Chantal Thomass is a fun, enticing perfume that is sensual. An exciting blend of cranberry, tomato, raspberry, that follows along to a black violet, orange blossom, red rose. Finishing off this...
Brilliant Wish was launched in 2010 by Chopard, a Swiss company recognized for its quality of luxurious products. Brilliant wish is an Eau de Parfum offering for women which has a sparkling oriental...
Classy with a touch of surprise, Sedley is an exclusive perfume crafted for Nordstrom’s spring line in 2019. It opens with fresh bergamot, grapefruit, mandarin and lemon. The heart includes rosemary...
Launched by the design house of Parfums Gres in 1990, Cabotine is classified as a sharp, flowery fragrance. This feminine scent possesses a blend of ginger, citrus, and fresh cut flowers. It is...
Launched by the design house of Guerlain way back in 1925, Shalimar is classified as a refined, oriental fragrance that serves as one of the great icons of early 20th-century perfumery. It's a...