This is the balance bike which can enable the baby to master the balance skills as soon as possible but also trains the baby's coordination skills.
After a period of time your baby can gradually gain confidence and happiness in riding. The soft handle can protect the baby's hands better. And the wheels are made of EVA material which has the characteristics of shock absorption and noise reduction. We also have a lot of careful design such as the 135°degree steering limit to better protect your baby from harm. The balance bike is specially designed for baby boys and girls around 9-24 months.
Buy the balance bike to provoke your baby's athletic talent.
- Develop the baby's balance and coordination ability
- All of the materials are certified by the astm safe and non-toxic
- 135°safe steering limit to avert unexpected falls caused by fast steering
- No pedals design & widen enclosed wheels ensure baby feet safety
- Eva wheels are shock absorbing and noise reducing
- The seat is ergonomically designed with the tail up to prevent baby from turning backward
- Non-slip and soft handles protect your baby's delicate skin
- Smooth surface without burrs to prevent baby injury
- Using sturdy steel as the frame the load can be up to 66lbs
- Small and lightweight easy to carry and store
- Easy to assemble and clean saving you time and effort
- Color: Blue/Orange/Pink
- Material: Steel PP EVA
- Overall dimension: 20" x 7.5" x 14" (L x W x H)
- Seat size: 9.5" x 4.5" (L x W)
- Diameter of wheel: 6"
- Net weight: 4 lbs
- Bearing weight: 66 lbs
- Applicable age: 9-24 months
- Package includes:
- 1 x Balance bike
- 1 x Instruction